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GitHub Enterprise Server

Gitpod works well with public, private, or internal repositories from your own instance of GitHub Enterprise (GHE).

Registering a GitHub Enterprise Integration

As an organization owner, you can configure Gitpod with your GitHub Enterprise instance via the following steps:

On Gitpod’s Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Organization settings using the organization dropdown in the top left corner.
  2. Select Git Providers and click New Git Provider.
  3. Choose GitHub as the provider type and enter your GHE hostname.
  4. Copy the redirect URL from the form and follow the instructions below to create a corresponding OAuth app on GitHub Enterprise.

On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance:

  1. Open your GitHub Enterprise Developer settings.
  2. Go to OAuth Apps and create a new OAuth application.
  3. Configure the application with the following details:
    • Application name: Gitpod (or any other name you prefer)
    • Homepage URL: your Gitpod instance URL
    • Authorization callback URL: the redirect URL copied from Gitpod
  4. Click Register application to create the OAuth app.

GitHub Enterprise register new OAuth application form

After registering, you will receive a Client ID and a Client Secret. Copy these values into the corresponding fields in Gitpod and hit Activate to test the connection.

Connecting Your GitHub Enterprise Account

The first time every member of your organization starts a workspace from GitHub Enterprise, they will be prompted to connect their GHE account to their Gitpod account, via an authorization prompt.

Prompt to authorize with GitHub Enterprise

The GHE OAuth window will appear, showing the name of the registered Gitpod OAuth app.

OAuth confirmation from GitHub Enterprise

For private or internal repositories, users will be prompted to grant additional authorization before the workspace starts.

Private repo OAuth authorization from GitHub Enterprise

Starting Workspaces

To start a new workspace after logging into Gitpod, use CtrlCmd + O or click on the New Workspace button in your Gitpod Dashboard. This will prompt for a repository URL, or suggest recent repositories opened with your account.

Open in Gitpod form

For an even more seamless experience with GitHub Enterprise, refer to our browser extension, which can add a convenient Gitpod button to every GitHub Enterprise page. —>

Granting additional GitHub Enterprise OAuth permissions

You can modify your GHE OAuth permissions to allow private repository access under User Settings > Git Providers using the context menu on the right.

Gitpod settings for GitHub integration permissions

You should see the connection to your GHE instance, with your GHE account ID, in your Gitpod integration settings.

GitHub Enterprise connection in Gitpod integration settings

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