Heads up! On October 1, we introduced Gitpod Flex. You can swap between documentation by using the switcher in the left navigation bar.


The .gitpod.yml file instructs Gitpod on how to prepare and build a project, such as starting development servers and configuring Prebuilds. Below is a full reference of all available properties. To see the underlying schema, please refer to gitpod-io/gitpod in the gitpod-io/gitpod repository.

For a more comprehensive configuration guide, see configuring a project.


additionalRepositories is currently in Beta. Send feedback.

Defines additional source control repositories to clone and where the repository is cloned under /workspaces

Type Default
object <empty>



language icon yml
    - url: https://github.com/gitpod-io/demo-multi-repo-backend
      # checkoutLocation is optional and relative to /workspaces.
      # by default the location defaults to the repository name.
      checkoutLocation: backend

When the above configuration is defined then the following additional steps happen when Gitpod workspace is started:

  1. If you open a workspace on a branch, Gitpod will clone the same-named branch in all repositories. If such a branch doesn’t exist Gitpod checks out the default branch.
  2. The contents of the branch is cloned under /workspaces/
  3. The contents of https://github.com/gitpod-io/demo-multi-repo-backend is cloned to /workspaces/backend

After all of the source control repositories have been cloned then the before, init and command tasks are executed as per normal.

If you need to run commands (such as package installation or compilation) on the source control repositories which have been cloned then change your working directory to the use configured or default checkoutLocation location using the before task.


language icon yml
# example .gitpod.yml from https://github.com/gitpod-io/demo-multi-repo-frontend
    - url: https://github.com/gitpod-io/demo-multi-repo-backend
      # checkoutLocation is optional and relative to /workspaces.
      # by default the location defaults to the repository name.
      checkoutLocation: backend

    - name: backend
      # change working directory as per configured in `checkoutLocation`
      # which is configured above as `/workspaces/backend`
      before: |
          cd ../backend
      init: |
          echo npm install
      command: |
          echo npm run dev

      # changing of working directory is not required as these tasks will
      # by default by executed in `/workspaces/demo-multi-repo-frontend`
    - name: frontend
      init: |
          echo npm install
          echo npm run build
      command: |
          echo npm run dev


Define where Gitpod checks out the project’s code, relative to /workspace.

In most cases, this is not needed. If you work on an older Go project, please see the Go Language Page for more details.

Type Default
string /workspace


language icon yml
checkoutLocation: 'go/src/github.com/demo-apps/go-gin-app'


Define workspace core dump behavior.

For most cases, setting the coreDump property is not required. However, it can be a valuable feature to debug C++, or when debugging add-ons in Rust, Python, or node.js.

Type Default
object <empty>


language icon yml
    enabled: true

You can also set custom size values for the generated core files using the softLimit and hardLimit values (see example below). The setting softLimit configures the upper limit on the size of the core dump file that will be produced if a process receives a core dump signal, while hardLimit allows setting a hard limit to act as a ceiling for the soft limit.

language icon yml
    enabled: true
    softLimit: <bytes>
    hardLimit: <bytes>

For more details, please see the Linux man page for getrlimit


Define environment variables that will be available in the workspace. This is an alternative to setting environment variables in the Repository settings. See the Workspace Environment Variable Prioritization Stack for information on how Gitpod prioritizes environment variables from different sources.

Type Default
object <empty>


language icon yml
    DB_HOST: localhost:3306
    DB_USER: readOnlyUser


Define a workspace’s git configuration as key-value pairs.

Please refer to https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#_values for a list of accepted values.

Type Default
object <empty>


language icon yml
    alias.st: status
    core.autocrlf: input


Configure the GitHub Gitpod app.

Heads up! Gitpod no longer uses the GitHub App on GitHub repositories and hence the github configuration in your .gitpod.yml file will have no effect. To enable prebuilds on a repository, see Configuring prebuilds instead. To continue having easy access to creating workspaces without github.prebuilds.addBadge or github.prebuilds.addComment, you can use the Gitpod browser extension.

Type Default
object <empty>


Define a custom Docker image to be used for workspaces. To learn more, please review Custom Docker Image.

Public images are hosted on Docker Hub and can be referenced by their name, e.g. ubuntu:latest.

To see a list of Gitpod-provided images, please see gitpod-io/workspace-images.

Type Default
object or string gitpod/workspace-full


With a public image

language icon yml
image: ubuntu:latest

With a custom image

language icon yml
    file: .gitpod.Dockerfile

With an optional context

language icon yml
    file: .gitpod.Dockerfile
    context: ./docker-content


To define a custom Docker image, you can use the following configuration:

For a list of examples, please see https://github.com/gitpod-io/workspace-images.

Type Default
string <empty>


Optionally, you can set the image.context. This is useful when you want to copy files into the Docker image. The Docker docs describe this in more detail.

Type Default
string <empty>


JetBrains is currently in Beta · Send feedback.

Define the integration between Gitpod and JetBrains IDEs.

Type Default
object <empty>


JetBrains plugin support (via gitpod.yml) is currently in Beta · Send feedback.

Define a list of plugins which should be installed for all compatible JetBrains IDEs when starting a workspace. To find the plugin identifier, from the JetBrains Marketplace, find the desired plugin, open the ‘Versions’ tab, select any version and copy the ‘Plugin ID’ (like ${publisher}.${name}).

Type Default
array <empty>


JetBrains is currently in Beta · Send feedback.

Define the integration between Gitpod and a specific JetBrains IDE. Install plugins and configure prebuilds to speed up the IDE indexing.

Specify the ‘product’ with one of the following values:

  • intellij
  • goland
  • pycharm
  • phpstorm
Type Default
object <empty>


JetBrains plugin support (via gitpod.yml) is currently in Beta · Send feedback.

Define a list of plugins which should be installed for the given JetBrains IDE when starting a workspace. To find the plugin identifier, from the JetBrains Marketplace, find the desired plugin, open the ‘Versions’ tab, select any version and copy the ‘Plugin ID’ (like ${publisher}.${name}).

Type Default
array <empty>


language icon yml
            - zielu.gittoolbox
            - izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets


JetBrains prebuilds support (via gitpod.yml) is currently in Alpha · Send feedback.

Define whether Gitpod enables prebuilds for a specific JetBrains IDE.

Type Default
object <empty>


language icon yml
            version: stable

The version is defined as follows:

Type Default Values
string stable stable, latest, both


Configuration of JVM options (via gitpod.yml) is currently in Alpha · Send feedback.

Configure JVM options for a specific JetBrains IDE.

Type Default
string <empty>


language icon yml
        vmoptions: '-Xmx4g'


Configure how Gitpod treats various ports your application may listen on. You can learn more about this in the Exposing Ports documentation.

Type Default
array <empty>


language icon yml
    - name: Website
      port: 3000
      onOpen: open-preview
    - name: VNC
      description: full GUI Virtual Desktop
      port: 6080
      onOpen: open-browser
    - name: Server
      port: 10000
      onOpen: ignore


Define a name for the port, which will be shown as a column in the output of gp ports list and in the Port column inside of the ports list in VS Code Browser and Desktop.

More detail

Type Default
string <empty>


Adds a description to the port, which will be shown as a column in the output of gp ports list.

You can find the port’s description in the ports view table column, following the Address field (the same description can be found in the Remote Explorer as a tooltip [on hover] of the port).

Type Default
string <empty>


Define what to do when Gitpod detects a given port is being listened on.

Type Default Values
string <empty> open-browser,




Please note: For JetBrains IDEs connected to Gitpod via JetBrains Gateway open-preview will behave exactly the same as open-browser, as there is no functionality for a web preview in the JetBrains IDE.


Define a single port or a range of ports, e.g. 3000-3100.

Type Default
number or string <empty>


Define whether to expose the port publicly or keep it private.

A public port allows you to share a URL for a given port with team members, for example if you want to get their feedback on a new feature you develop.

Type Default Values
string private private,



Define whether a running port in the workspace is HTTP or HTTPS.

Type Default Values
string http http,



Define how Gitpod prepares & builds your project and how it can start the project’s development server(s). To learn more, please visit Start Tasks. Each array element opens in its own terminal.

Type Default
array <empty>


language icon yml
    - before: sh ./scripts/setup.sh
      init: npm install
      command: npm run dev
    - name: Database
      init: sh ./scripts/seed-database.sh
      command: npm start-db
          DB_HOST: localhost:3306
          DB_USER: readOnlyUser


A shell command to run before init and the main command. This command is executed on every start and is expected to terminate. If it fails, the following commands will not be executed.

Learn more about Start Tasks in the docs.

Type Default
string <empty>


The main shell command to run after before and init. This command is executed last on every start and doesn’t have to terminate.

Learn more about Start Tasks in the docs.

Type Default
string <empty>


Define environment variables that will be available in a given task. They have precedence over all other sources of environment variables (see the Workspace Environment Variable Prioritization Stack for more information).

Please note that the environment variables will only be available in the task’s terminal and not globally across the workspace. To set environment variables globally, use the env property or configure a Repository Environment Variable.

Type Default
object <empty>


A shell command to run between before and the main command.

This task is executed only once. When you start a workspace that does not have a prebuild, init is executed at workspace start. When you start a workspace that has a prebuild, init executes as part of the prebuild, but does NOT execute again at workspace start.

This task is expected to terminate. If it fails, the command property will not be executed.

Learn more about Start Tasks in the docs.

Type Default
string <empty>


A name for the task, also shown on the terminal tab.

Type Default
string <empty>


Deprecated. This does not have an impact in VS Code.


Configure how the terminal should be opened relative to the previous task.

Type Default Values
string <empty> tab-after,




Note: split-top and split-bottom are deprecated values.


Deprecated. Please use the init task instead.


mainConfiguration is currently in Beta. Send feedback.

Defines the repository with the main .gitpod.yml file and makes it possible to open the same workspace from any issue, branch or other context URL from any repository defined in a multi repository configuration.

Type Default
string <empty>



language icon yml
mainConfiguration: https://github.com/gitpod-io/demo-multi-repo-frontend


Configure the VS Code editor.

Type Default
object <empty>


Define a list of extensions which should be installed for users of this workspace. The identifier of an extension is always ${publisher}.${name}. For example: ‘vscodevim.vim’.

Please note, Gitpod uses the Open VSX registry to find extensions. If you cannot find an extension you know exists in your local VS Code, please get in touch with us or open a new PR in the open-vsx/publish-extensions repository to add the extension to Open VSX 🙏.

Type Default
object <empty>

By default, extensions will use the latest available version unless you use a specific version number. The version number must use semantic versioning rules. If you are interested in importing an extension that is not published on the Open VSX registry you can directly use the full URL.


language icon yml
        - svelte.svelte-vscode
        - bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss@0.6.11
        - https://example.com/abc/releases/extension-0.26.0.vsix


Define which path Gitpod considers the project’s workspace directory, relative to /workspace.

In most cases, this is not needed. If you work on an older Go project, please see the Go Languages page for more details.

Type Default
string /workspace


language icon yml
workspaceLocation: '.'

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