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Workspace editors

Gitpod supports many popular editors, such as VS Code, many different JetBrains IDEs, and even allows you to run Vim completely in the browser). Gitpod workspaces can be configured to use different editors to suit your needs. The editors available by default are listed in IDEs and Editors.

Available Workspace Editors

Only workspace editors defined by the owner of an Organization in the Organization-level workspace editor policy are viewable by members.

Editors listed in the IDEs and editors reference are available by default for both Pay-as-you-go and Enterprise.

Workspace Default Editor

The default workspace editor is based on your user preferences. This setting can be overridden by the most recently used workspace creation options (you can reset those in the user preferences). If your organization or selected repository has a limited number of editors available, the default editor is selected from the available options.

Select a workspace editor for your workspace

You can select a workspace editor directly from the Gitpod Dashboard. You can do so by clicking on the New Workspace button and find the editor selection dropdown.

Open New Gitpod Workspace with required workspace editor • Gitpod Dashboard


Why does it select a different editor than my default?

The default workspace editor is based on your user preferences. This setting can be overwritten by the last used options for creating workspaces (you could reset used options on user preferences). If your organization or select repository have limited the available editors, the default editor will be selected from the available editors.

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