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Azure DevOps

Note: This integration is only supported for Gitpod Enterprise.

Gitpod supports integration with Azure DevOps for Gitpod Enterprise users, allowing you to work with your Azure DevOps repositories in Gitpod seamlessly.

Registering an Azure DevOps Integration

Azure admins can register an application on the Azure Portal:

Create a New Integration with Azure DevOps under Organization Settings > Git Providers. Fill in the Provider Host Name with dev.azure.com and copy the Redirect URI from the from.

Gitpod New Git Integration form

Go to the Azure Portal, sign in, and navigate to the Microsoft Extra ID page.

Under the left sidebar, select Manage > App registrations and click on New registration (you can also find your existing app registration under the All applications tab)

Azure App registration

Enter Gitpod in the Name field, select Web as the platform, and fill in the Redirect URI with the value you copied from Gitpod. You can modify the Redirect URI later in the Authentication tab if needed.

Azure App registration Navigate to the application you just created, where you’ll find the Application (client) ID on the app’s overview page. Retrieve the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint and OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint from the Endpoints section.

Azure Client ID

Azure OAuth endpoints

Navigate to Manage > Certificates & secrets and create a new client secret (Client secrets > New client secret). Then, copy the Value and Client secret.

Azure Client Secret creation

Azure Client Secret

Go API permissions and add the following Azure DevOps permissions:

  • vso.code_write
  • vso.profile (User.Read is required and selected by default)

Azure API permission create

Azure API permission results

Back in the Gitpod organization’s git integrations settings, fill in the following:

  • Authorization URL: (authorization endpoint)
  • Token URL: (token endpoint)
  • Client ID: (Application (client) ID)
  • Client Secret

After entering these details, activate the integration.

Gitpod Git Integration from result

Activate the integration, and you should see an Azure connection request prompt. Once approved, the integration will be saved and available in your Gitpod organization.

Gitpod Azure DevOps approval

Starting with Azure DevOps Integration

For more details, see the Azure DevOps integration documentation.

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