Updating the Gitpod Dedicated Infrastructure

Occasionally, it is necessary to update your Gitpod Dedicated infrastructure components to improve performance, reliability, and security. This guide explains how to apply these updates using CloudFormation templates. Most application updates can be applied directly and do not require infrastructure changes.

Gitpod Dedicated Infrastructure Update Process

  1. Receive the updated CloudFormation templates from your Gitpod Account Manager in the form of S3 URLs. Note that you will receive two templates.
  2. Apply the two separate CloudFormation templates in this order:
    • First, update the stack for the infrastructure creation role (gitpod-role).
      • Important: When updating this stack, do not select any role under permissions.
    • Then, update the stack for the Gitpod Infrastructure (gitpod-instance).
      • Important: When updating this stack, select the GitpodSetupAndInitialEKSUserAdmin role under permissions. This role is created by the infrastructure creation role template.

Consult the Infrastructure Update Changelog or your Gitpod Account Manager to determine which stacks need updates and the impact of the update in terms of downtime.

Detailed Steps

1. Update Infrastructure Creation Role

  1. Go to the AWS CloudFormation page and select the stack for the infrastructure creation role.
  2. Choose “Create change set for current stack” in the stack actions.
  3. Select “Replace current template”, select Amazon S3 URL as the template source then paste the S3 url for the gitpod-role template into the field.
  4. Follow the prompts in the AWS console UI.

Under permissions do not select any role: Update Permissions

  1. Acknowledge that IAM resources may be created and press “Submit”.
  2. Once a change set is published, verify the changes.
  3. Execute the change set. Choose “Roll back all stack resources” for behavior on provisioning failure. Wait for the update to complete, and the status will change to UPDATE_COMPLETE.

2. Update Gitpod Infrastructure

  1. Return to the AWS CloudFormation page and select the stack for the Gitpod Infrastructure.


    Configure AWS Environment Variables

  2. Select stack action, create change set for current stack


    Select stack from AWS console

  3. Select “Replace current template”, select Amazon S3 URL as the template source then paste the S3 url for the gitpod-instance template into the field.


    Replace current template

  4. Follow along in the process as described in the AWS console UI

Under permissions ensure you select: GitpodSetupAndInitialEKSUserAdmin as the stack execution role. This role was created by applying a CloudFormation template supplied by Gitpod in the initial installation process. See Getting started for more information. Update Permissions

  1. Acknowledge that IAM resources may be created and press “Submit”.


    ACK IAM Resources

  2. Once a change set is published, verify the changes.


    Set changes published

  3. Execute the change set. Choose “Roll back all stack resources” for behavior on provisioning failure. Wait for the update to complete. Execution will take a few minutes


    Execute set changes

    Once done, the status will change to UPDATE_COMPLETE

    Update completed

Your Gitpod Dedicated infrastructure should now be updated successfully.

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