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Ingress Handling

Runner SCM OAuth

The Gitpod Gateway manages OAuth flow for source control management (SCM) systems as follows:

  1. A Runner that uses a Gateway exposes a unique OAuth callback URL for each configured SCM (please check Runners—SCM integrations).

  2. Users are redirected to the SCM provider’s authorization page when they initiate an OAuth flow.

  3. After authorization, the SCM provider redirects to the Gateway’s callback URL.

  4. The Runner Server verifies the OAuth state and exchanges the code for an access token.

Environment Logs Ingress

  1. Each environment runs a process that orchestrates the lifecycle, including the devcontainer build/run/rebuild.

  2. The environment exposes logs on a local port (22999) and automatically exposes them over the Nebula network.

  3. Only Proxy nodes can reach this port in the Nebula network using the group “proxy” in the Nebula Certificate.

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