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Automations are programmable tasks and services that integrate into your development environment. They enable you to create self-service actions across:

  • Setup: Seed a database, provision infra or authenticate with a cloud account
  • Operations: Turn your runbooks into one-click self-service actions
  • Editor interfaces: Start up a server such as Jupyter notebook
  • Policies: Run security or scanning tools
  • AI workflows: Configure AI agents or code assistants

Environment details with Automations

Automations are defined in configuration YAML files that can live alongside your source code, in another repo, or any location accessible from the development environment.

An example Automations file:

language icon yml
        name: PostgreSQL
            start: docker run postgres
        name: Runs unit tests
        command: go test -v ./...

See examples for many use cases for Automations.

Feature waitlist

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