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May 23, 2022
Gitpod Classic
Feedback widget for dashboard
Users are more likely to provide feedback, the easier we make it for them.
Inspired by the feedback form for Gitpod docs pages, we’ve added a similar Feedback feature in the Gitpod dashboard.
One click is enough to tell us how you feel, or write a quick note, all without leaving the page.
Roadmap updates
Public API - Roadmap issue: #7900 Alpha
Fixes and improvements
- #10154 - [server] Skip GitHub App prebuilds when the repository has no prebuild task(s) or .gitpod.yml
- #10061 - Users can send feedback from the Dashboard.
- #9976 - Avoid prebuilding repositories were no workspaces were started recently.
- #10031 - Fix credential errors when json key is used as secret in image-builder-mk3
- #10058 - [code] Update VS Code to 1.67.0
- #8041 - Implement a new Team billing where Team Owners can conveniently manage a paid plan for their Team
- #10034 - [ws-manager-bridge] Fix cluster role binding to scrape metrics
- #10042 - Fix prebuild updates
- #10053 - [prebuild] fix incorrect handling of failed prebuilds
- #10012 - [ws-daemon] fix some workspaces fail to shutdown correctly if git operation was interrupted due to workspace termination
- #9862 - Add
experimental installer config flag - #9867 - Add
experimental installer config flag - #10020 - [common-go] Add file watcher, [registry-facade] Refactor watch of configuration file[ws-daemon], refactor watch of configuration file
- #9995 - [ws-daemon] Remove stray IO limiter warnings
- #9492 - Remove stargz snapshotter from image build
- #10094 - Fix conflicting auth selection for image-builder-bob
- #10127 - [installer] Use installation shortname when constructing ws-manager URL templates
- #10114 - eccomp notify: correction of system call name in the log.
- #10082 - [ws-daemon] add log entry when ready probe fails