Onboard developers
and ship code on day one

You can either spend 3 days of your life setting them up or give them a button and say ‘click here’.

Josep Jaume, Senior Staff Engineer at Factorial

Developers spend less time wrestling environments, and more time coding

Onboard developers with one click

With Gitpod, developers onboard in minutes, not weeks. Developers log in via SSO and open a workspace immediately. Workspaces include everything a developer needs; their packages, libraries, editor plugins and even access to external databases or Kubernetes clusters in any 3rd party or cloud provider. No more insecurely sharing access tokens and secrets through Slack.

Open in Gitpod button

Free your senior developers from becoming ‘support’

Free your platform teams and senior developers from the constant support developers need when trying to clone the right repositories into the right locations, with the correct environment variables, and the appropriate network configurations. Have an environment issue? Simply start a new workspace.

Reproduceable dev. environments with Gitpod
Share workspace with Contrcators

Quickly ramp contractors

Don’t worry about access management, environment setup or shipping managed devices. Gitpod enable anyone working on your product to access the exact same setup, in one click.

Stylized code-block containing a github workflow yaml file and a soft, orange glow behind it.

Secure and compliant by default

When your development environment is fully automated, you don’t have to compromise to keep security teams happy while creating a productive developer experience; security and compliance come by default.


“One of the things that keeps security up at night is ‘what happens if your host machine or virtual machine gets compromised’? If you get malware or a keylogger? The reality these days is that everything's going to get compromised if it's been around for long enough. The best way to handle that security posture is to not have environments that are alive for long enough to get compromised. If it’s ephemeral,you can just destroy it and start over from scratch. Nobody actually did that with our initial VM setup because of how long it would take to recreate an environment.”

Patrick, Enterprise Architect at Kingland

Ready to bring ‘one click’ onboarding to your team?