Secure your software supply chain with CDEs

Reduce exfiltration risks and outside actors from accessing our development environments.

Roger Goldfinger, Senior Staff Engineer at Quizlet

Securing supply chains for 1M+ developers in teams like

GSR Trading

Your developers ship faster
without compromising security

ASCII art of lock & encryption

Protect your code and your data

Your source code is centrally and safely stored in the cloud, never locally. Automate temporary and fine-grained access to any sensitive data. Reduce the risk of accidental leaks from production or customer data.

Example gitpod.yml file

Centralize your security, stop chasing developers

Use centralized workspace images to make updates and managing secretes easy. Developing securely has now becomes the path of least resistance. Fix supply chain vulnerabilities instantly for all developers across your organization.

Encrypted data

Harden your identity and access management

Don’t rebuild your identity model. Gitpod integrates with SSO, source control and your cloud seamlessly. Only give access to those who need it.

GDPR & SOC 2 compliant

Your data never leaves your private network (VPC)

Protect data from unauthorized access or internet vulnerabilities by keeping it isolated within your VPC. This also enables data sovereignty.

Secure your development environments

Development environments pre-configured with the tools and dependencies needed to get inspired and start building.