Keep developers in flow Flow Texture with automated workflows and secure tools.

Save thousands of hours wasted on environment toil

Developers spend weeks manually configuring development environments. A single click launches a fully prepared environment, eliminating the need to manually install tools and dependencies, or configure cloud and database access.

Developer platform

Your developers stay in flow

Automate common development tasks like provisioning and seeding databases, installing and configuring code assistants, launching ephemeral clusters, or enacting compliance and security policies. Automations can be shared across any developer's environment.


AI code assistants are globally installed and securely configured

Automate and centralize installation, configuration, and authentication of AI code assistants to mitigate data leakage and drive adoption. Make the secure configuration of tooling the path of least resistance for developers.

Productivity tools

Out-of-the-box integrations with your tools

Gitpod natively supports

  • VS Code, JetBrains, Cursor, etc.
  • GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket
  • Dev Containers
  • cloud self-hosting

Tools ecosystem

Whitepapers with insights from
platform experts, security teams, and developers

Trusted by the worlds largest banks. Gitpod Enterprise boosts tech ROI for financial institutions.

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CDE whitepaper cover

Onboard developers fast and secure. It's as simple as SSO sign-in with tools and permissions ready to go.

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Onboarding whitepaper cover

The developer-first VDI replacement. CDEs match VDI security and compliance, purpose-built for developers.

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VDI whitepaper cover