Welcome to our community

Our community is a space to learn about Gitpod CDEs, connect with other developers and build cool projects. We’re happy to have you!

Join now
4 3d modeled characters representing a squad of community heroes
  • Learn

    Learn how to optimize your Gitpod CDE setup and improve your dev workflows. Deep-dive into the projects our community is building on Gitpod.

  • Connect

    Join a global community and connect with like-minded folks in every niche of software development. Get to know the engineers who are building Gitpod.

  • Build

    Build awesome projects, utilizing the power in the cloud with Gitpod. Our community will support you along the way and make every step easier.

Join our community of 40k+ developers from all over the world

Our community values

The Gitpod community is a place where everyone should feel welcomed, included, empowered, and valued. We strive to build and nurture a culture where inclusiveness is a matter of course, not a choice.

We celebrate that every person brings a unique perspective and experience to the community.

Thank you for contributing to our community culture 🧡

Contribute to Gitpod

We appreciate contributions to Gitpod!

Create a tutorial, write a blog post, or build an integration to your favorite tool. Showcase your Gitpod project in our weekly community office hour. What ideas do you have?

More on how to contribute

Learn more about our community

Gitpod Community Heroes

Join us empowering developers to make engineering collaborative and joyful again. Are you our next community hero?

Community Heroes

Community Office Hours playlist

Our bi-weekly Office Hours are an opportunity to give the community the stage to share what they’ve built with Gitpod, for Gitpodders to share product insights and gain feedback.

Illustration of a monitor with orange background

Host a Gitpod Community meet-up

Gitpod Community meet-ups are organized by passionate community members in their local area. They are an opportunity to connect with others and learn and share the best Gitpod practices and knowledge.

Gitpod community meet-up
Join the community

Join our developer community from all over the world as they build on cloud developer environments.