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Gitpod named as IDC Innovator for CDEs in 2024

Gitpod named as IDC Innovator for CDEs in 2024

Since Gitpod was founded in 2020 and created the cloud development environment (CDE) category, we’ve continued to prioritize improving developer experience and security posture for organizations. And while we’re heads down in building products for our customers, it’s always exciting to be acknowledged by a respected market evaluator like IDC.

IDC selected three vendors to evaluate and profile for their IDC Innovators: Cloud Development Environments, 2024 report and chose Gitpod as a leading provider.

Why Gitpod is the leading provider for CDEs in 2024

IDC’s recognition of Gitpod stems from our dedication to improving developer experience and our innovative self-hosted, not self-managed deployment model. Their report highlighted a few key areas where Gitpod stands out, all of which you can read in full in the report. We’d like to highlight what is most important to our customers and explain why our customers choose Gitpod: developer experience, security, and cost controls.

Developer experience

While developer experience and productivity are not always synonymous, we sometimes like to help measure developer experience gains in how much more productive we can make developers. IDC called Gitpod out for accelerating project onboarding and generally making getting started simple. Opening a development environment using Gitpod is as easy as logging in via SSO. This is equally true for developers who have been working at your organization for two years, developers who are on day one of the job, or contractors who are working for you temporarily and/or remotely.

Improved security posture

Gitpod’s centralized security approach gives platform teams granular control over access to environments. Automation enables temporary and specific data access permissions. Utilizing the OpenID Connect standard for gating access to sensitive cloud resources and a flexible deployment model that utilizes customer virtual private networks (VPC), Gitpod ensures isolated and secure data access and enables air-gapped deployments.

Cost controls

The easiest way to bring down costs is to start controlling overhead. Day 2 operational overhead is the number one contributor to unexpected costs when purchasing software. Gitpod eliminates this completely with our self-hosted, vendor-managed deployment. This means that you are able to self-host Gitpod within your cloud account, giving you all the security and compliance control you need while leaving the operations to Gitpod. You can read more about our shared operational model or why we made these architecture choices on our blog.

About IDC Innovators Cloud Development Environments, 2024 Report: This IDC Innovators study provides an overview of the capabilities and portfolios of cloud development environments (CDEs) vendors and how they support organizations in shifting from local dev workspaces to cloud-based platforms. These environments help platform engineering teams drive standardization and compliance across the development life cycle, with the attention being on delivering productivity gains as well as a consistent and frictionless developer experience.

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