Self-hosted, not self-managed

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Christian Weichel / Co-Founder, CTO at Gitpod / Nov 29, 2023

When you want to introduce cloud development environments (CDEs) to your organization you have to decide between building or buying, and self-managing or self-hosting. These decisions are not only technical but impact every aspect of your development and operational efficiency.

In December of 2022, we discontinued our self-managed offering. After three years of trying to make it work we concluded that CDE platforms benefit from not being self-managed. While CDEs can be self-hosted, self-management makes them less effective and costly.

These are hard-won lessons. Giving up on self-managed meant forfeiting seven figures of net-new revenue and eventually led to us laying off 28% of Gitpodders beginning of 2023. Those were not easy decisions. The alternative we created with Gitpod Enterprise, which is still self-hosted but not self-managed, is so much better - and we have the customers to prove it.

In this article I’ll explain the architectural constraints of a self-managed CDE, why the architecture did not offer the experience we strive for our customers, and what an alternative architecture looks like.

  • CDEs are mission critical. Operational excellence is crucial. CDEs have many failure modes due to their dynamism, starting workloads hundreds of times a day and the variance of applications with different load profiles.
  • Building CDEs based on Kubernetes is hard. Modifying Kubernetes for resource allocation and security requires deep knowledge of container runtimes and the Linux kernel, unusual for typical Kubernetes teams.
  • Gitpod Enterprise is a self-hosted, vendor-managed CDE. Infrastructure is set up via a CloudFormation template, allowing customers to maintain authority over their infrastructure while offloading operational burden.

CDEs are mission critical

Cloud Development Environments are mission critical software.

They are the place in which developers write software, review their work and use the tooling required to be ready to code. When your CDE service is down your engineers cannot work. Every minute of downtime is expensive and frustrating.

Therefore, reliability is fundamental for any CDE service. This basic need is well understood by organizations adopting CDEs and often drives their desire to self-manage their CDE installations.

Gitpod Customer's Hierarch of needs

Tight vertical integration is crucial to deliver an experience that adheres to the CDE principles (Equitable, On-Demand, Extensible, Consistent), while meeting basic needs. Hence, full control over the technology stack that powers a cloud development environment is a prerequisite. Any flaw in integrating the various components of a CDE can undermine reliability and security.

Consider, for example, workspace content: there’s little more excruciating than losing your work after hours of intense concentration. A CDE must ensure changes are not lost because of state handling bugs or node failures. This requires significant influence over the underlying infrastructure.

CDEs aren’t merely better VDIs or VMs moved to the cloud. They represent a foundational shift in how we develop software, how we collaborate and what expectations we have towards our development environments. We want to build the best experience possible, and not compromise on the lowest common infrastructure denominator.

Until 2023, the Gitpod Enterprise product was simply “Gitpod Self-Hosted” and was both self-hosted and self-managed. At the time, we didn’t acknowledge the difference between self-hosted and self-managed:

  • Self-hosted implies that the service runs on your infrastructure, such as an AWS account, and aids in network integration and compliance.
  • Self-managed is taking full operational responsibility for the service.

The distinction has become increasingly relevant with the growing popularity of Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings. Self-managing CDEs seems intuitive, as it aligns with decades of engineering ‘best practice’.

Engineers are accustomed to maintaining their own development environments and adjacent services, like Continuous Integration. However, running a service close to home differs significantly from managing it yourself. Managing a service and assuming responsibility for it means overseeing every aspect: components, data storage methods, computing resources, and network setup. In cases of downtime, the burden falls on the operator who is then called out of bed. This level of control introduces demands to CDEs that can conflict with the vertical integration required to provide a great user experience.

Installing self-managed CDEs is hard

Any CDE provider integrates a number of different services and functions. Consider storage, whenever a workspace stops, its content needs to be backed up, often in object storage like S3. Chances are your organization already runs its own storage service, maybe MinIO. Wouldn’t it make sense if the CDE service you want to operate reused that existing MinIO installation?

This preference extends to other CDE components. Operating yet another database, no thank you - we already have one over here. Docker registry? Our security team says we have to use Artifactory. Kubernetes? That would be GKE on 1.25, thank you very much. As the team who’s responsible for making sure the most foundational need –reliability – is met, it’s sensible to rely on existing infrastructure. This also adds a complex set of requirements to any CDE of your choice: it has to support all these existing technologies and systems.

In larger organizations, chances are these existing infrastructure systems are managed by teams of their own. There’s the Kubernetes team, the networking team, the S3 team, and the database team. Coordinating with these teams for self-managing a CDE platform can be a complex task. You’ll need to make sure that what those teams offer aligns with the requirements and capabilities of the CDE software you intend to run - and if not, you’ll need time from those teams to ensure they do. We have seen this process take weeks, sometimes months. Self-managing a CDE in the real world can be a complex and time consuming endeavor of organizational navigation.

Kubernetes is the hardest part of this technology stack. Few organizations have a team to spare that understands Kubernetes to the level of depth required. For CDEs that use Kubernetes, like Gitpod, deep integration is essential to deliver expected security and performance. A case in point is dynamic resource allocation. Gitpod has supported resource overbooking for many years, but only recently has this capability found its way into Kubernetes. To make this happen we had to break the abstractions Kubernetes provides and interface with the container runtime and Linux cgroups directly.

The same is true for security boundaries, network bandwidth control, IOPS and storage quotas. Such deep vertical integration imposes specific requirements on the container runtime (e.g. has to be containerd ≥ 1.6), Linux kernel version or filesystems, which are unusual tasks for typical Kubernetes-focused teams to undertake, but not in the case of CDEs.

While the consumption of Kubernetes software has improved, with increased skill and knowledge among teams and UX enhancements within the community, managing complex Kubernetes software remains a significant challenge. This has led to entire companies like Replicated being built to solve this problem.

Frankenstein CDE installations are difficult to update and near impossible to support

As a CDE customer, the need for integration with the CDE frequently outpaces what the platform currently supports. This need to adapt CDEs to pre-existing infrastructure and integrate with an existing ecosystem often results in a situation we’ve come to call “frankensteining”.

Naturally, additional means for authentication using internal APIs are added, and new custom features are built on assumptions that can break with the next update. This is especially true when customers manage the software.

The CDE installation becomes a frankenstein implementation that is hard to update difficult to operate and near impossible to support.

Operating self-managed CDEs is bad for your sleep

Now, you’ve managed to piece together all the required bits of infrastructure, you’ve gone through the installation and are finally up and running. Developers in your organization love the CDE: no more “works on my machine” issues, onboarding time is virtually non-existent, as are context switching costs, and you got brownie-points from your security team because endpoint security is less of a concern. The CDE platform you now operate is mission critical.

Much like any mission critical software, maintaining operational excellence is crucial. Observability is the cornerstone to guarantee the most foundational need: reliability. Much like the other infrastructure building blocks you probably already have an observability stack in place - and if not you’ll need one now.

Due to their dynamism CDEs have a myriad of failure modes, with starting and stopping workloads several hundreds of times a day, and the variance of different applications with different load profiles. Once you’ve integrated the multitude of metrics, imported or built your own dashboards, understood and set up the alerts and hooked it all up to your PagerDuty installation, you can finally sleep well again… until PagerDuty ends your slumber, of course.

Every month or so a new update will be available. Considering that CDEs are mission critical, updates must cause no downtime. Kubernetes simplifies this process but isn’t a complete solution. Successful updates require cooperation between your team and the CDE vendor to ensure tools and methods, like blue/green deployments or canary releases. Ensuring continuous operation of all workspaces, preserving ongoing work, and maintaining functionality of integrations like SCM, SSO, Docker registries, package repositions, can be stressful. Better do this on a Sunday morning.

Frankenstein installations make updates a gamble and these custom configurations deviate significantly from the standard setups tested by CDE vendors rendering them unhelpful. The uncertainty of whether your customizations will remain functional post-update adds to the challenge.

The operational risk and effort of updates incentivizes slow and few updates of your CDE installation. Consequently, staying up-to-date with security fixes, and offering the latest features your developers crave is hard. As update cycles become longer, feedback reduces. It becomes harder to provide the best possible CDE experience, creating a lose-lose situation.

Self-hosted not self-managed brings the control of self-hosted, without the operational overhead

There is however a middle option that balances customers’ desire for control and integration with the advantage of not having to manage everything themselves: the distinction between self-hosting and self-managing.

In November 2022 we made the decision to end our self-managed offering in favor of what we now call Gitpod Enterprise. This was not an easy decision. However, years of providing a self-managed CDE offering led us to believe that there must be a better way: self-hosted, but vendor-managed.

“Vendor-managed” solutions have become a standard way to  consume software, most commonly referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS).

SaaS offers several compelling benefits:

  1. No operational burden - Purchase a Service Level Agreement (SLA) directly.
  2. Lower upfront investment - Simply sign up and start using the product.
  3. No updates - You automatically receive updates and new features.
  4. Higher quality - Features improve rapidly due to faster development cycles.

More and more companies aim to bring these benefits to a self-hosted model:

  • Database vendors like PlanetScale
  • Data service providers like Databricks or Snowflake

And other developer tooling companies have pioneered this approach. For Cloud Development Environments, this model is nearly ideal, offering a practical balance between control and enjoying convenience.

Self-Hosted, vendor managed CDEs: Gitpod Enterprise

Gitpod Enterprise architecture overview

Let’s look at the Gitpod Enterprise architecture to understand how such a self-hosted, vendor managed CDE can look like. First, we need to distinguish between infrastructure and application.

Infrastructure management

  • All infrastructure is installed using a vendor-supplied CloudFormation template in less than 20 minutes. This template orchestrates the creation of things like a VPC, subnets, load balancer, EC2 auto-scaling groups, an RDS database, and crucially, all IAM roles and permissions.
  • The customer applies and updates this CloudFormation template, ensuring they retain complete control over their infrastructure.

Application management

  • The Gitpod application, operating on this infrastructure, is installed and updated as part of the overall infrastructure.
  • The installation connects to a control plane for orchestrating updates and handling operational aspects like telemetry, alerting and log introspection.

A pivotal aspect of this model is the meticulous separation of permissions, allowing customers to maintain authority over their infrastructure while offloading the operational burden of the software.

An architecture built to the highest security standards

Gitpod Enterprise was developed in close collaboration with early adopter customers, ensuring its architecture would meet the stringent security and architecture requirements of diverse companies. Gitpod Enterprise has since passed the most stringent security reviews:

  • Forward-looking industry leaders like Dynatrace and Quizlet have since adopted Gitpod Enterprise, praising its ease of installation and low operational overhead.
  • Large financial institutions adopted CDEs by virtue of the control afforded by the Enterprise architecture.

Several customers have migrated from our previous self-managed offering to Gitpod Enterprise. All reported reduced operational effort and some saw up to 93% faster workspace startup times.

We have time and time again seen how simple vendor-managed CDEs are to install. Throughout the many Gitpod Enterprise installations, it’s become clear that reducing the variance of how a product is installed makes the product more reliable and easier to use.

We’re always looking to learn more about how to make the experience of using CDEs optimal while meeting any and all security and architecture requirements that organizations have.

You can trial Gitpod Enterprise today and drop us feedback on what your experience was like.

Standardize and automate your development environments today

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